import superagent from 'superagent';
import saNoCache from 'superagent-no-cache';
import EventEmitter from 'events';
import utils from './utils/utils.js';
import GSF_API from './utils/GSF_API';
import EVENTS from './utils/EVENTS';
const nocache = utils.isIE() ? saNoCache.withQueryStrings : saNoCache;
* The Job class is used for job operations.
class Job extends EventEmitter {
* @param {Client} client - The GSF Client object.
* @param {string} jobId - The jobId.
* @param {function(info: JobProgressInfo)} [progressCallback] - The callback to handle job progress.
* @param {function(info: JobStartedInfo)} [startedCallback] - The callback that is called when the job starts.
* For more reliable job started information, listen to the GSF JobStarted
* events as this callback may not always get called. In some cases the job
* can start before the callback is registered.
* @emits {JobFailed}
* @emits {JobSucceeded}
* @emits {JobCompleted}
* @emits {JobStarted}
* @emits {JobAccepted}
* @emits {JobProgress}
constructor(client, jobId, progressCallback, startedCallback) {
// Init EventEmitter superclass.
* The job Id.
* @type {number}
this.jobId = jobId;
// Server object.
this._client = client;
// Job endpoint.
this._jobURL = [this._client.rootURL, GSF_API.JOBS_PATH,
// Allow infinite listeners.
// Store promise for wait() function if called.
this._waiting = null;
// Call progress and started callbacks if supplied to constructor.
progressCallback && this.on(EVENTS.progress, progressCallback);
startedCallback && this.on(EVENTS.started, startedCallback);
// Function to handle events.
this._handler = (eventName, data) => {
// Only care about events pertaining to this job.
if (data.jobId !== this.jobId) return;
// Re-emit the rest of the events.
this.emit(eventName, data);
// Listen for events from our server. Pass
// them into the handler with job event type.
Object.keys(EVENTS).forEach((key) => {
this._client.on(EVENTS[key], (data) => {
this._handler(EVENTS[key], data);
* Waits for the job to complete.
* @return {Promise<JobResults, error>} Returns a promise that is resolved when a job is
* successful, returning the job results object.
* If a job fails, the promise is rejected with an error message.
wait() {
if (!this._waiting) {
this._waiting = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Listen to job events.
this.once(EVENTS.succeeded, (data) => { => {
this.once(EVENTS.failed, (data) => { => {
// Check to make sure it hasn't already completed. => {
if (info.jobStatus === EVENTS.succeeded) {
} else if (info.jobStatus === EVENTS.failed) {
}).catch((err) => {
return this._waiting;
* The JobInfo object contains information about a job.
* @typedef {Object} JobInfo
* @property {string} serviceName - The name of the service.
* @property {string} taskName - The name of the task.
* @property {JobOptions} [jobOptions] - Processing directives to submit along with the job.
* @property {Object} [inputParameters] - The input parameters.
* @property {string} jobId - The job id.
* @property {number} [jobProgress] - The percentage of job completion.
* @property {string} [jobMessage] - A status message that is sent with progress updates.
* @property {string} jobStatus - The status of the job. It can be Accepted,
* Started, Succeeded, or Failed.
* @property {JobResults} [jobResults] - The job output results.
* @property {string} [jobSubmitted] - Time the job was submitted.
* @property {string} [jobStart] - Time the job started processing.
* @property {string} [jobEnd] - Time the job finished processing.
* @property {string} [jobError] - An error from the job, if there was one.
* @property {NodeInfo} [nodeInfo] - Provides information about the node on which the job ran.
* Provides information about the node on which the job ran.
* @typedef {Object} NodeInfo
* @property {string} nodeAddress - This is the address of the machine that ran job.
* @property {number} nodePort - The port of the server that ran the job.
* @property {number} workerID - The ID of the worker that ran the job.
* The job output results.
* @typedef {Object} JobResults
* @property {*} <parameterName>.best - Result from the first parameter mapper which
* was able to reverse translate the output value.
* @property {*} <parameterName>.raw - The raw output value returned by the task.
* Retrieves the job information.
* @return {Promise<JobInfo, error>} Returns a promise to a JobInfo object.
info() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const jobStatusURL = this._jobURL;
// Get job status.
.use(nocache) // Prevents caching of *only* this request
.end((err, res) => {
if (res && res.ok) {
} else {
const status = ((err && err.status) ? ': ' + err.status : '');
const text = ((err && err.response && err.response.text) ? ': ' +
err.response.text : '');
reject('Error requesting job info' + status + text);
* Cancels the job.
* @param {boolean} force - If true, the job will force cancel. Please note that
* setting force to true may be unsafe depending on the type of job
* as it may not be able to properly shut down or clean up.
* @return {Promise<true, error>} Returns a promise when cancel is submitted. If request
* is successfully submitted, the promise will be resolved with a value of true.
* If the request fails, the promise will be resolved with an error message.
* Note that this only represents the success of the request made to the server,
* not the cancellation itself. Use the Job.Info() function (or Job events)
* to retrieve the status of the job and to learn when it is actually cancelled.
cancel(force) {
// Job url.
const url = this._jobURL;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Cancel force flag.
const requestStatus = force ? 'KillRequested' : 'CancelRequested';
// Cancel job.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({'jobStatus': requestStatus}))
.use(nocache) // Prevents caching of *only* this request
.end((err, res) => {
if (res && res.ok) {
} else {
const status = ((err && err.status) ? ': ' + err.status : '');
const text = ((err && err.response && err.response.text) ? ': ' +
err.response.text : '');
reject('Error cancelling job' + status + text);
* Deletes the job.
* @return {Promise<true, error>} Returns a promise when delete is submitted. If request
* is successfully submitted, the promise will be resolved with a value of true.
* If the request fails, the promise will be resolved with an error message.
* Note that this only represents the success of the request made to the server,
* not the deletion itself. Use the Job.Info() function (or Job events)
* to retrieve the status of the job and to learn when it is actually deleted.
delete() {
// Job url.
const url = this._jobURL;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Delete job.
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.use(nocache) // Prevents caching of *only* this request
.end((err, res) => {
if (res && res.ok) {
} else {
const status = err && err.status ? ': ' + err.status : '';
const text =
err && err.response && err.response.text ?
': ' + err.response.text :
reject('Error deleting job' + status + text);
* Retrieves a list of the workspace files.
* @return {Promise<Object[], error>} Returns a promise to an array of fs.stat objects.
workspace() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const jobStatusURL = this._jobURL;
// List workspace files.
.use(nocache) // Prevents caching of *only* this request
.end((err, res) => {
if (res && res.ok) {
} else {
const status = ((err && err.status) ? ': ' + err.status : '');
const text = ((err && err.response && err.response.text) ? ': ' +
err.response.text : '');
reject('Error requesting job workspace' + status + text);
* Retrieves a workspace file.
* @return {Promise<arraybuffer, error>} Returns a promise to an ArrayBuffer of the file contents.
file(fileName) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const jobStatusURL = this._jobURL;
// Get file as arraybuffer.
.then((res) => {
}).catch((err) => {
const status = ((err && err.status) ? ': ' + err.status : '');
reject('Error requesting file' + status);
export default Job;